1. Fees can be paid from 5th to 25th of every between 9:00 am to 4:00pm.
2. Students name will be struck off if the fees is not paid till the last date of the respective month.
3. Fees can be deposited in advance for the full session if desired.
4. Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-payment of fees and
legal action will be taken against the person, and fee will be recovered with the amount of fine and
legal charges (if any).
5. Parents are requested to keep the payment receipts in safe custody and produce the same to
school in proof of their payment.
6. Parents must ensure the payment of all the dues of a term, before the term exam commences.
The admit card for the exam will be issued only if there are no dues against the student.
7. Student's name will not be carried forward to upcoming month in Attendance Register, if fees of last month is not paid or if any kind of due is pending against student’s name.
8. If fee is not deposited up to 25th of every month Rs.50/-per month fine will be charged.